Square D Company and Subsidiaries - Page 117

                                       - 96 -                                         
               While it is possible that some portion of the 1991 SRP                 
          Benefits is theoretically allocable to services provided in years           
          other than 1992, petitioner has made no showing in this regard              
          and instead has stipulated that the 1991 SRP Benefits were                  
          “earned” by the Retained Executives in 1992.  In addition, the              
          1991 SRP Benefits were paid in 1992 and deducted in full by                 
          petitioner in that year.  In these circumstances, giving due                
          regard to the fact that petitioner bears a “clear and convincing”           
          burden of proof, we find that the 1991 SRP Benefits are allocable           
          in full to the Retained Executives’ 1992 compensation.57                    
               As earlier noted, supra note 28, respondent has conceded               
          that a portion of the 1991 SRP Benefit paid to each Retained                
          Executive should not be treated as contingent on a change of                
          control under Q&A-24(c) of the proposed regulations.  See sec.              
          1.280G-1, Q&A-24(c), Proposed Income Tax Regs., 54 Fed. Reg.                
          19399 (May 5, 1989).  Respondent maintains his position that the            
          remainder of the 1991 SRP Benefits not excluded from parachute              

               57 As noted, we are also unpersuaded by Mr. Rosenbloom’s               
          position that the 1991 SRP Benefits should be allocated ratably             
          over the years in the period 1992-95 in which a Retained                    
          Executive remained employed by petitioner, the same treatment he            
          applied to the Retention Payments.  Since the Retention Payments            
          were subject to clawback while the 1991 SRP Benefits were not, we           
          do not believe that the same treatment is appropriate for both              
          types of payments.  Moreover, the ratable allocation advocated by           
          Mr. Rosenbloom conflicts with the parties’ stipulation that the             
          1991 SRP Benefits were “earned” in 1992.                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011