Estate of Eugene E. Stone, III, Deceased, C. Rivers Stone, E.E. Stone, IV, Mary Stone Fraser & Rosalie Stone Morris, Co-Personal Representatives - Page 65

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                    Trusts for Rosalie Stone Morris, Charles Hill                     
                    Morris, Jr., and Rosalie Morris (the “Morris New                  
                    Trusts”), and the New Trusts for Chris Stone,                     
                    Frances Stone and Rosalie Stone shall have the                    
                    right (but not the obligation) to dispose of their                
                    entire holding of Common Stock in the IPO and in a                
                    subsequent offering, should they choose to do so.                 
                    Mary Stone Fraser and Rosalie Stone Morris shall                  
                    have the right to sell their directly owned shares                
                    in either the initial or subsequent offering.                     
                    * * *                                                             
                    J.   SALE OF THE COMPANY                                          
                         The Board, with the approval of the share-                   
                    holders * * * may effect a sale of the Company or                 
                    other sale involving all of the stock or substan-                 
                    tially all of the assets of the Company upon such                 
                    terms and conditions as shall be determined by the                
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
                    M.   DIVIDEND PAYMENTS                                            
                         (a) To the extent actually permitted under                   
                              all financing arrangements to which SMC                 
                              is a party, SMC shall pay a dividend to                 
                              the shareholders in 1997 of $1 million                  
                              for fiscal year 1996 to shareholders of                 
                              record as of December 31, 1996. * * *                   
                         (b) Mandatory dividends on all Common Stock                  
                              of SMC shall be determined, and to the                  
                              extent permitted under all financing                    
                              arrangements to which SMC is a party                    
                              paid to the shareholders as soon as                     
                              practicable after the end of each fiscal                
                              year in which consolidated net after-tax                
                              earnings * * * for that year exceed $5                  
                              million * * *.                                          
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               VII. IMPLEMENTATION AND JURISDICTION                                   
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
                    B.  CONTINUING JURISDICTION AND FURTHER ASSURANCES                
                         The parties agree to take whatever additional                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011