Basin Electric Power Cooperative - Page 39

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          case outside the purview of that general rule.26  Moreover, U.S.            
          Bancorp & Consol. Subs. v. Commissioner, 111 T.C. at 242, and Pig           
          & Whistle Co. v. Commissioner, 9 B.T.A. at 670, held that costs             
          paid or incurred to cancel a lease and enter into a new lease               
          must be amortized and deducted over the term of the new lease.              
          On the record before us, we find that petitioner is required to             
          amortize and deduct the expenditures at issue over the term of              
          the modified 1985 sale and leaseback agreements ending with                 
          taxable year 2020.27                                                        
               Based on our examination of the entire record before us, we            
          find that petitioner has failed to carry its burden of establish-           
          ing that the Court should not sustain respondent’s determinations           
          that the expenditures at issue should be capitalized and amor-              
          tized and deducted over the term of the modified 1985 sale and              
          leaseback agreements beginning with taxable year 1995 and ending            

               26In a footnote in petitioner’s opening brief, petitioner              
          advances for the first time an alternative argument that, because           
          petitioner’s minimum annual basic rent obligation was reduced               
          only throughout each of the years during which the 1995 tax-                
          exempt bonds were outstanding, the expenditures at issue should             
          be amortized and deducted over the term of such bonds, which were           
          to mature on June 30, 2013.  Petitioner cites no authority in               
          support of that alternative argument.  On the record before us,             
          we reject it.                                                               
               27Respondent does not argue that, and we have not considered           
          whether, the amortization and deduction of the expenditures at              
          issue should begin with taxable year 1992.  See supra note 25.              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011