- 4 - may terminate this Agreement upon Seller’s receipt of signed notice from Purchaser. c. Upon delivery, Owner shall acquire all rights, title and interest in and to the Equipment purchased. Exhibit E, “Buy Back Election”, to the ATC pay phone agreement stated: 1.0 Buy Back Election: Should Owner elect to sell any telephone equipment, itemized in Exhibit “A”, American Telecommunications Company, Inc., (hereinafter “Seller”), agrees to buy back such equipment from Owner, according to the following terms and conditions: 1) If exercise of the buy back election occurs in the first thirty-six months after the equipment delivery date, the re-sale price shall be the Owner’s original purchase price of $5,000.00, minus a “restocking fee” of (10%) ten percent of the purchase price; 2) If the buy-back election is made more than (36) thirty-six months after the equipment delivery date, the sale price shall be the Owner’s original purchase price of $5,000.00, and there shall be no “restocking fee” for Purchaser’s election to re-sell the equipment purchased back to Seller. This “Buy Back Election” shall expire on the (84th) eighty-fourth month anniversary of Owner’s equipment delivery date. 3) Seller, or its designee, reserves the right of first refusal as to the telephone equipment. If Owner enters into an agreement to sell the telephone equipment to any third party, Seller, or its designee, shall have thirty (30) days to match any legitimate offer to purchase said equipment received by Owner. Exhibit E further stated: 4.0 Maintenance Requirements For Buy Back Provision: If Purchaser elects to require Seller to re-purchase the Pay Telephone Equipment, Purchaser must establish to Seller’s satisfaction that all repairs and maintenance, as set forth in Exhibit “B”, have been performed as required. This means that the regular maintenance “recommended” in Exhibit “B” is mandatory. Purchaser will establish that regular maintenance and repairs have been performed on the Equipment by maintaining a logbook. The logbook must set forth the dates and times maintenance and repairs were made toPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011