- 12 - Meals and Entertainment Expenses We turn now to petitioner’s claim for meals and entertainment expenses. Petitioner claimed $2,422 of meals and entertainment expenses on the basis of the master credit card summary, which reflected $2,168 under the category “Restaurants” and $232 under the category “Entertainment.” While the master credit card summary shows the name of the restaurant (or payee), and the date and the amount spent, the master credit card summary does not show the business purpose of the activity or the name of the person entertained. In attempting to substantiate the business purpose and the name of the person entertained, petitioner prepared the reconstructed entertainment list 3-1/2 years after the fact. Petitioner was unable to testify as to whom he entertained in some instances. We have the same concerns regarding the meals and entertainment expenses that we had with the automobile expenses. The account was used for both personal and business purposes. There was no breakdown on the master credit card statement between business and personal charges. The credit card company simply lumped all charges to restaurants under the “Restaurants” category. In addition, petitioner failed to explain which of the expenses claimed were for business, not personal, purposes, and petitioner failed to heed the Court’s advice to concede the personal charges. Several charges appeared for various skiPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011