Estate of Wayne C. Bongard, Deceased, James A. Bernards, Personal Representative - Page 13

                                       - 102 -                                        
               stock to be redeemed or not, his ability to decide if                  
               that event would occur demonstrates the understanding                  
               of the parties involved that decedent retained the                     
               right to control the units transferred to BFLP.                        
                    * * * decedent’s transfer to BFLP for a 99-percent                
               ownership interest in the partnership did not alter his                
               control of the WCB Holdings class B membership units                   
               transferred to BFLP. * * *                                             
          Majority op. pp. 57-59; emphasis added.                                     
               As is evident from the foregoing, the majority opinion                 
          establishes a “control” standard in applying section 2036(a)(1).            
          However, the majority opinion never actually tells us what it               
          means when it uses the terms “control” or “controlled” four times           
          in the above-quoted excerpt.12  Nonetheless, under any commonly             
          accepted meaning of those terms, it is factually incorrect for              
          the majority opinion to conclude that “decedent controlled                  
          whether BFLP could transform its * * * class B WCB Holdings                 
          membership units * * * into a liquid asset * * * [,] exercised              
          practical control over BFLP and * * * retained the right to                 
          control the units transferred to BFLP” and that “decedent’s                 
          transfer to BFLP * * * did not alter his control of the WCB                 
          Holdings class B membership units transferred to BFLP.”  Majority           
          op. pp. 57-58.  After decedent and ISA Trust capitalized BFLP,              
          which the majority opinion acknowledges was a validly created and           
          existing partnership under Minnesota law, neither decedent nor              

               12It is not even clear whether in each of the four instances           
          the majority opinion intends the same, or a different, meaning of           
          the terms “control” or “controlled”.                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011