Estate of Wayne C. Bongard, Deceased, James A. Bernards, Personal Representative - Page 21

                                       - 11 -                                         
          19.  The day following Empak’s stock split, decedent in his                 
          capacity as Empak’s sole member on its board of directors adopted           
          a resolution authorizing grants of incentive stock options and              
          nonqualified stock options.  It does not appear that any of these           
          stock options were exercised before decedent’s death.                       
               On July 31, 1996, Empak distributed the stock of Emplast to            
          decedent.  In exchange for receiving 100 percent ownership of               
          Emplast, 551,871 of decedent’s shares in Empak were canceled.               
          This decreased decedent’s ownership interest in Empak to                    
          5,134,629 shares, or 86.39 percent.  Because some of decedent’s             
          shares were canceled and ISA Trust did not participate in the               
          distribution, ISA Trust’s ownership percentage in Empak increased           
          to 13.61 percent.  ISA Trust’s percentage holding of Empak had              
          decreased after 1986 due to the redemptions of some of the Empak            
          stocks held by the trust.                                                   
                    2.  WCB Holdings                                                  
               In view of market conditions in 1996, Mr. Boyle determined             
          that investors would be more likely to invest in Empak if the               
          Bongard family members’ ownership interests were placed in a                
          holding company.  As of December 1996, decedent and ISA Trust               
          held all of the Empak stock.  Decedent had established the ISA              
          Trust on May 23, 1986, with the assistance of John Fullmer (Mr.             
          Fullmer) and Mr. Boyle.  When ISA Trust was established, Messrs.            
          Fullmer and Boyle were both attorneys with Larkin Hoffman, but in           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011