Kenneth Hawkins - Page 10

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          to collectibility.                                                          
               Section 7122(c) provides the standards for evaluation of               
          such offers.  Under section 7122(c)(2):                                     
               (A) * * * the Secretary shall develop and publish                      
               schedules of national and local allowances designed to                 
               provide that taxpayers entering into a compromise have                 
               an adequate means to provide for basic living expenses.                
               (B) Use of schedules.-–The guidelines shall                            
               provide that officers and employees of the Internal                    
               Revenue Service shall determine, on the basis of the                   
               facts and circumstances of each taxpayer, whether the                  
               use of the schedules published under subparagraph (A)                  
               is appropriate and shall not use the schedules to the                  
               extent such use would result in the taxpayer not having                
               adequate means to provide for basic living expenses.                   
          Under the regulations for doubt as to collectibility cases:                 
               A determination of doubt as to collectibility will                     
               include a determination of ability to pay.  * * * To                   
               guide this determination [of the amount of the                         
               taxpayer’s basic living expenses], guidelines published                
               by the Secretary on national and local living expense                  
               standards will be taken into account.  [Sec. 301.7122-                 
               1T(b)(3)(ii), Temporary Proced. & Admin. Regs., supra.]                
               Thus, use of the national and local average statistics                 
          published by the Internal Revenue Service is an appropriate                 
          method to determine a taxpayer’s monthly expenses.  By using                
          national and local averages for some of petitioner’s expenses               

          Proced. & Admin. Regs., applies to offers pending on or submitted           
          on or after July 18, 2002.  We do not need to address the                   
          applicability of the statute and the regulations to the first               
          offer because we focus on the second offer.  The second offer was           
          made on Sept. 5, 2001, and returned on June 17, 2002, after the             
          effective date of the statutory change and the temporary                    
          regulation but before the effective date of the new regulation.             
          The statute and the temporary regulation are therefore effective            
          for the second offer.  See Galvin v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.               
          2003-263, for a discussion of the addition of sec. 7122(c).                 

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