-13- the 1996 and 1997 assessments; 4.) there was a failure to record the assessments for the 1996 and 1997 assess- ments; 5.) there was a failure to provide record of assessment for the 1996 and 1997 assessments; and 6.) there was a failure to send Notices of Assessment for the 1996 and 1997 tax assessments.” After multiple telephone contacts, and an in-office recorded conference, the taxpayer voluntarily entered into an Installment Agreement for $130.00/month payable on the 26th of each month. The taxpayer has made his first installment payment and has also paid the one- time user fee of $43.00. Placement of the taxpayer’s account into installment agreement status will prevent enforced collection action from occurring; therefore, the issued Notice of Intent to Levy has become moot. The taxpayer is aware that a Notice of Federal Tax Lien may be filed if the agreement defaults, and is also aware that interest will continue to accrue until the balances due are paid in full. BRIEF BACKGROUND OF COLLECTION DUE PROCESS HEARING On October 21, 2003, a conference letter was issued to the taxpayer scheduling the conference requested for November 13, 2003, at 1:30 p.m. This letter presented the taxpayer with an overview of how the liability arose, and also defined for the taxpayer the scope of the actual Collection Due Process conference. The taxpayer responded via phone and mail correspon- dence that the conference would need to be rescheduled for a later time. The taxpayer is legally blind and needed the additional time to make preparations for a conference--to include orchestrating travel accommoda- tions and having someone read him all correspondence. On 11/13/2003 and again on 11/20/2003, detailed phone conferences were held with the taxpayer. Appeals learned the taxpayer’s position appeared to be that even though he acknowledged signing the Decision docu- ment (as referenced in detail above), he was never advised how that would translate in terms of actual assessment amount. Appeals explained the Collection Process for the tax- payer. Streamline Installment Agreement criteria were explained to the taxpayer in detail. He qualifies forPage: Previous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011