Ernest I. Korchak - Page 48

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          underpayment did not result from Madison’s lack of economic                 
          investment in the recyclers or from Madison’s overall sham                  
          nature, nor has petitioner shown that section 6659 is otherwise             
               2.   Section 6659(e)                                                   
               Under section 6659(e), the Commissioner may waive all or               
          part of the addition to tax for valuation overstatement based on            
          a showing by the taxpayer that there was a reasonable basis for             
          the valuation or adjusted basis claimed on the return and that              
          such claim was made in good faith.  The Commissioner’s decision             
          to grant or deny the waiver is discretionary and is reviewable              
          only for an abuse of discretion, such as where the denial of the            
          waiver is arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable.  See Krause v.            
          Commissioner, 99 T.C. at 179; Haught v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.            
               Respondent contends that petitioner may not challenge the              
          section 6659 penalty because petitioner “has not asked                      
          respondent to waive all or a portion of that addition”.  In the             
          alternative, respondent contends that petitioner failed to show             
          that there was a reasonable basis for the valuation or adjusted             
          basis he claimed on his return.  Petitioner contends that he                
          first learned of respondent’s imposition of the section 6659                
          addition to tax in the notice of deficiency and that he was                 
          unable to request a waiver through administrative channels                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011