Ernest I. Korchak - Page 56

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          jurisdiction under section 6621(c)(4) to redetermine additional             
          D.   Conclusion                                                             
               We have carefully considered all remaining arguments by the            
          parties for results contrary to those expressed herein and, to              
          the extent not discussed above, conclude that those arguments               
          are without merit.                                                          
               To reflect the foregoing,                                              

                                                   Decision will be entered           
                                              for respondent.                         

               25If petitioner had paid some or all of the additional                 
          interest that was determined by respondent under sec. 6621,                 
          petitioner would have had the opportunity to contest his                    
          liability for such interest pursuant to the Court’s overpayment             
          jurisdiction.  See sec. 6512(b); Barton v. Commissioner, 97 T.C.            
          548 (1991); Barlow v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2000-339.                    
          Petitioner does not contend that he paid any of the additional              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011