- 3 - The following are the reasons set forth in the amended petition why petitioner believes he is entitled to relief: Since 1976 I have been the victim of an eleborate [sic] fraud. Each and every year I have tried to get the IRS and or Tax Court to address and fairly assess what I have been telling them. They have chose [sic] to to [sic] lie and cover- up this criminal conduct. It has been easier to ignore me than allow the truth to be known. At the outset, we note that the Court is unable to verify the statement in petitioner’s imperfect petition that petitioner has “filed a petition each year for the past 18 years.” Similarly, the Court cannot verify the statement in petitioner’s amended petition that “Since 1976 * * * [in] Each and every year I have tried to get the IRS and or Tax Court to address and fairly assess what I have been telling them.” The records of this Court show that, in addition to the instant petition, petitioner has filed two other petitions; viz docket Nos. 18366-90 and 5762-02L. In the case of the petition at docket No. 18366-90, the Commissioner filed a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. The Court issued a notice of filing of the Commissioner’s motion and directed petitioner to file an objection by a date certain. Petitioner filedPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011