Leonard Rabinowitz and M. Carole Rabinowitz - Page 14

          schedule CFI’s trip around the third-party customer’s trip.  In              
          that event, CFI could also use Ms. Harrah’s jet at the agreed                
               Petitioners enjoyed moderate success obtaining third-party              
          customers for BHJ.  John Paul Mitchell, Tom Hanks, Don Henley,               
          Jean Claude Van Damme, and Kenny G all occasionally chartered the            
          Falcon.  Petitioners also had several key customers who regularly            
          booked travel on the Falcon.                                                 
               Petitioners encountered some difficulties with the Falcon,              
          however.  The U.S. Coast Guard had purchased approximately 80                
          percent of all the Dassault Falcon 200s sold in the United States            
          and put them into service flying coastal missions at a low                   
          altitude and over the coastline.  The U.S. Coast Guard reported              
          problems with the engine seals as well as engine shutdowns in the            
          aircraft.  In response to these difficulties, the FAA required               
          increased maintenance and service of the engines on all Dassault             
          Falcon 200s, including the Falcon petitioners owned.  The                    
          negative publicity surrounding the engines impeded petitioners’              
          charter sales and devalued petitioners’ Falcon.                              
               Petitioners considered selling the Falcon, but they decided             
          to keep the Falcon and continue soliciting third-party charters              
          because they were concerned that the negative publicity would                
          depress the sale price.  Mr. Rabinowitz anticipated a greater                
          return from chartering the aircraft in the meantime than from                
          selling it at a depressed value.                                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011