Laura D. Seidel - Page 4

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          which he had purchased.  Mr. Seidel’s house was encumbered by a             
          first and second mortgage.  After their marriage, Mr. Seidel                
          moved into petitioner’s house.                                              
               During the beginning years of their marriage, petitioner and           
          Mr. Seidel took out a second mortgage on petitioner’s house.  The           
          proceeds of this second mortgage were used to pay off the second            
          mortgage on Mr. Seidel’s house, to pay off some of petitioner’s             
          debts, and to purchase household assets.                                    
               Petitioner and Mr. Seidel separated on February 11, 1998.              
          During settlement negotiations to dissolve the marriage,                    
          petitioner was represented by attorney, Robert Fruitman (Mr.                
          Fruitman).  Mr. Seidel was represented by his attorney, Francis             
          L. Adams (Mr. Adams).  The marriage was dissolved by the Superior           
          Court of California, County of Sutter (California Superior                  
          Court), on April 27, 1999.                                                  
               With respect to the division of Mr. Seidel’s CWSC 401(k)               
          plan, petitioner and Mr. Seidel agreed to a Marital Settlement              
          Agreement, dated April 19, 1999, and entered by the California              
          Superior Court on April 27, 1999, which provided:                           
               the parties presently have a partial community interest                
               [$77,000.00] in Husband’s 401K and Husband has a partial               
               separate property interest in his 401K.  The parties agree             
               that the sum of SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100              
               ($77,000.00) shall be withdrawn from the 401K plan held in             
               Husband’s name.  Husband will then deduct the federal and/or           
               state penalties and the federal and state taxes and any                
               other taxes for early withdraw [sic] from that amount, and             
               from that remaining balance, Husband shall arrange for the             
               payment of the two (2) debts owed to First Community                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011