Charles P. Stepnowski - Page 20

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          Regs.  As relevant here, section 1.417(e)-1(d)(10)(iv), Income              
          Tax Regs., provides as follows:                                             
                    (iv) Section 411(d)(6) relief for plan amendments                 
               pursuant to changes to section 417 made by RPA ‘94                     
               providing for prior determination date or up to two                    
               months earlier.  Notwithstanding the general rule of                   
               paragraph (d)(10)(i) of this section, except as                        
               provided in paragraph (d)(10)(vi)(B) of this section                   
               [relating to the replacement of a non-PBGC interest                    
               rate], a participant’s accrued benefit is not                          
               considered to be reduced in violation of section                       
               411(d)(6) merely because of a plan amendment that                      
               changes any interest rate or mortality assumption used                 
               to calculate the present value of a participant’s                      
               benefit under the plan, if the following conditions are                
                         (A) The amendment replaces the PBGC interest                 
               rate (or an interest rate or rates based on the PBGC                   
               interest rate) as the interest rate used under the plan                
               in determining the present value of a participant’s                    
               benefit under this paragraph (d); and                                  
                         (B) After the amendment is effective, the                    
               present value of a participant’s benefit under the plan                
               cannot be less than the amount calculated using the                    
               applicable mortality table and the applicable interest                 
               rate, but only if the applicable interest rate is the                  
               annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities for                
               the calendar month that contains the date as of which                  
               the PBGC interest rate (or an interest rate or rates                   
               based on the PBGC interest rate) was determined                        
               immediately before the amendment, or for one of the two                
               calendar months immediately preceding such month.                      
               Hercules’ amendment to the lump-sum payment option fits                
          squarely within the safe harbor provided by section                         
          1.417(e)-1(d)(10)(iv), Income Tax Regs.  Specifically, the                  
          amendment to the lump-sum payment option (1) replaces an interest           
          rate based on the PBGC interest rate; (2) provides that the                 
          present value of a participant’s accrued benefit shall be no less           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011