Ann M. Wilson - Page 4

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          school).  RW did not move to San Diego with petitioner so that              
          she could remain at her middle school in Indiana.  RW came to San           
          Diego at the end of her eighth-grade school year and spent most             
          of her summer with petitioner.                                              
               Petitioner and RW decided that RW would attend Bishop Luers            
          High School (Bishop Luers), a private school in Fort Wayne,                 
          Indiana, rather than attend high school in San Diego.  The                  
          decision to attend Bishop Luers was based on RW’s desire to                 
          attend the same high school that petitioner, RW’s brother and               
          sister, and her aunts and uncles attended.  In addition, many of            
          RW’s friends were going to attend Bishop Luers.  Thus, RW                   
          returned to Indiana in the fall of 2000.                                    
               While in school in Indiana, RW lived with her father for               
          approximately 1 month during the 2002 school year.  RW lived at             
          other times during the school year with her grandparents,                   
          petitioner’s parents, who also lived in Indiana.  During her high           
          school years RW spent summers and vacations with petitioner in              
          San Diego.  In 2002, RW lived in San Diego with petitioner from             
          the second week of June to the second or third week of August.              
               When petitioner moved to San Diego to attend law school, she           
          rented a two-bedroom apartment.  The apartment had a separate               
          bedroom for RW, which contained some of RW’s belongings.                    
          Petitioner paid for all of RW’s private school tuition (estimated           
          at $3,000 to $4,000 per year), paid for her travel to and from              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011