- 13 - (b), Income Tax Regs. Deductions for contributions of $250 or more are disallowed in the absence of a contemporaneous written acknowledgment of the contribution by the donee. Sec. 170(f)(8); sec. 1.170A-13(f), Income Tax Regs. Petitioners provided a typed receipt, signed by Bishop Henderson Wheeler, acknowledging that petitioners contributed $3,359.87 to the First Church of God in Christ. Petitioners testified that a total amount of $3,359.87 was contributed by them during the taxable year 2002 at Sunday worship services. In view of the fact that petitioners attended services regularly and that we believe the receipt is credible, we find that the receipt is sufficient substantiation of petitioners’ charitable contribution of $3,359.87. However, petitioners have not testified as to or substantiated charitable contributions above that amount. Thus, we conclude that petitioners are entitled to a charitable contribution deduction of $3,3606 for the taxable year 2002. 3. Medical and Dental Expenses As previously stated, on their Schedule A for taxable year 2002, petitioners claimed a deduction for medical and dental expenses incurred of $219 above the 7.5-percent floor. Respondent disallowed the deduction in full. Respondent determined that petitioners did not prove that the expenses were 6This amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011