Loran J. Forbes - Page 3

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               On October 17, 2005, this Court calendared respondent’s                
          motion to dismiss for hearing at the Court’s Los Angeles,                   
          California, trial session beginning December 5, 2005.  When this            
          case was called from the calendar at the trial session, there was           
          no appearance by or on behalf of petitioner.                                
               Rule 331(b)(4) provides that a petition filed in this Court            
          shall contain “Clear and concise assignments of each and every              
          error which the petitioner alleges to have been committed in the            
          notice of determination.”  Rule 331(b)(5) further provides that             
          the petition shall contain “Clear and concise lettered statements           
          of the facts on which the petitioner bases each assignment of               
               Pursuant to Rule 123(b), this Court may dismiss a case at              
          any time and enter a decision against a taxpayer for failure to             
          properly prosecute or to comply with the Court’s Rules.  See                
          Goza v. Commissioner, 114 T.C. 176 (2000); Stephens v.                      
          Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2005-183.  Rule 40 provides that a party           
          may file a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon              
          which relief can be granted.                                                
               It appears that petitioner disagrees with respondent’s                 
          determinations that it is appropriate to levy on petitioner’s               
          property and to file a notice of Federal tax lien to collect                
          petitioner’s tax and penalty liabilities.  The petition and the             
          amended petition, however, lack a clear and concise statement of            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011