Loran J. Forbes - Page 6

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          IRS Appeals Office dated September 9, 2004, which informed                  
          petitioner that this Court may require a taxpayer to pay a                  
          penalty to the United States when the taxpayer’s position is                
          frivolous or groundless, or when the taxpayer institutes or                 
          maintains a proceeding primarily for delay.  Also attached were             
          several letters in which respondent’s settlement officers denied            
          petitioner’s request for a face-to-face conference.  In those               
          letters, respondent’s settlement officers informed petitioner               
               all of the positions or issues you raised in your CDP                  
               request are items either that:                                         
                    1.  Courts have determined are frivolous or                       
                    groundless, or                                                    
                    2.  Appeals otherwise does not consider.                          
                    These are moral, religious, political,                            
                    Constitutional, conscientious, or similar                         
                    grounds. * * *                                                    
               Furthermore, this Court has previously cautioned petitioner            
          that asserting these frivolous arguments might result in a                  
          penalty pursuant to section 6673(a)(1).  On August 13, 2004, this           
          Court entered an order and decision in docket No. 15591-03L that            
          respondent could proceed with the collection action for                     
          petitioner’s 1999 taxable year.  The Court issued the following             
          warning to petitioner:  “We will not impose a penalty upon                  
          petitioner pursuant to section 6673(a)(1) at this time.                     
          Nevertheless, we take this opportunity to admonish petitioner               

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