- 11 - with funds from an account held in the name of HGAMC but was titled in his name. From their respective inceptions, Mr. Richardson’s sole proprietorships, HGAMC, and HGRCT were operated out of petitioners’ residence on Quailwoods Drive. Resolutions specified that particular business operations of HGAMC would be conducted at its “headquarters” on Quailwoods Drive and required the presence of the Executive Director at the site to oversee maintenance and security. In addition, through a series of resolutions, HGAMC was authorized to, and did, contract for the remodeling of the company headquarters. With respect to business conducted elsewhere, minutes show that the directors “were authorized to travel to Nashville, Indiana for purposes of looking at different land investment opportunities.” Later, a director’s meeting attended by petitioners’ four children was held at Mike Fink’s Restaurant in Covington, Kentucky, “for the purpose of discussing duties of successor directors with those appointed as successor directors”. At that meeting, “It was dedided [sic] that more time should be devoted to training & that a two (2) day meeting should be scheduled for Brown County State Park in the future”. The tab for the meal was $247.38. Matters related to tax issues, from administrative functions related to preparation of the entities’ returns to intentions or positions on tax topics, were likewise addressed at boardPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011