- 13 - from Aegis. Mr. Richardson took a 3-day training course from Mr. Bartoli of Aegis in connection with these activities. The record contains several examples from the 1998 to 1999 time period of announcements for trust workshops that reflect the nature of Mr. Richardson’s promotional efforts in this regard. For instance, in a 1999 letter addressed to agents working for State Farm Insurance encouraging them to attend workshops scheduled for New Orleans, Louisiana; and Mobile, Alabama; Mr. Richardson introduced himself and his business as set forth below: My name is Homer Richardson, and for the past five years, as a representative of the Aegis Company, I have been conducting workshops throughout the country teaching State Farm Agents, doctors, dentists, and other self employed individuals, how to protect their assets from lawsuit judgments and dramatically reduce their income taxes. This workshop is not open to the general public and is by invitation only. We teach self employed individuals how to operate a business using a special kind of trust. This special trust is a business device that has several names. It has been referred to as a Blind Trust, an Unincorporated Business Organization, a Contractual Business Organization, and a Common Law Business Organization, just to name a few. We refer to this special trust as a CBO. However, the IRS refers to all of these entities as Business Trusts. This and similar announcements for the introductory workshop directed toward self-employed professionals consistently tout as benefits of the business trust system the ability to: Legally reduce Federal and State income taxes “70% or More”; eliminate Federal estate taxes no matter the size of the estate; sell aPage: Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011