Lee B. Arberg and Melissa A. Quinn - Page 4

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          Tennessee, and he remained there for roughly 5 years.  At                   
          Hemisphere Trading Company, Mr. Arberg was in charge of portfolio           
          management trading, and his duties included both executing trades           
          and supervising trades executed by other employees.                         
               During the mid- to late-1990s, Mr. Arberg also served on the           
          board of directors of the company SI Diamond Technology, Inc.,              
          and provided consulting services to the entity.  The consulting             
          services were directed toward conducting a valuation relating to            
          a proposed merger and acquisition transaction.  Mr. Arberg’s                
          compensation for that work consisted primarily of stock options,            
          which Mr. Arberg apparently sold at a gain in the late 1990s.               
          Sporadic additional services may have been provided to SI Diamond           
          Technology, Inc., or a successor entity in the early 2000s.                 
               Following his work at Hemisphere Trading Company,                      
          Mr. Arberg’s next principal employment was for Lasertron, a                 
          subsidiary of Oak Industries, Inc.  Lasertron was involved in the           
          fiber optics and photonics business, and Mr. Arberg was engaged             
          in 1999 to provide a valuation of that business, again with a               
          view towards a potential merger or acquisition transaction.  The            
          work culminated with the signing in November of 1999, and the               
          closing in January of 2000, of an agreement for the sale of Oak             
          Industries, Inc., and its Lasertron subsidiary to Corning, Inc.,            
          creating a division referred to as Corning Lasertron.                       
          Mr. Arberg’s work for Lasertron ended with the closing of the               

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Last modified: November 10, 2007