- 7 - A It would be the same situation. Q In 2000? A It would be the same situation. By 1998, Mr. Arberg was conducting securities trades through accounts held in his name at Charles Schwab and/or Salomon Smith Barney. At some point during 1998 or 1999 not clear from the record, a brokerage account in the name of Ms. Quinn was opened at E Trade Securities, Inc. Because of employee trading restrictions imposed as a result of her position with Salomon Smith Barney, Ms. Quinn was required to, and did, obtain the permission of her superior to establish the E Trade account. According to petitioners, a principal source of funding for the E Trade account was compensation Mr. Arberg received from his consulting work. Tax Reporting Petitioners filed separate Federal income tax returns for 1998 and 1999. They then filed a joint Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, for 2000. For 1998, Mr. Arberg reported wage income of $76,766 and included with his return a Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business, for a business characterized as “Mark to Market Trading”.3 The Schedule C 3 The complete copy of Mr. Arberg’s Form 1040 for 1998 in the record is an unsigned copy provided by petitioners to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during the examination of Mr. Arberg’s 1999 return, addressed infra. The return was (continued...)Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NextLast modified: November 10, 2007