Suzanne E. Barrera, a.k.a. Suzanne E. Battle - Page 18

                                       - 17 -                                         
          instant case, the marriage dissolution action was pending, and              
          petitioner and Mr. Barrera were still legally married.                      
               As part of the marriage dissolution action, petitioner and             
          Mr. Barrera entered into a Marital Settlement Agreement on May              
          20, 2004 (marital settlement agreement), to settle, among other             
          things, their rights with respect to marital property and their             
          obligations for marital debts and child support.  Under the                 
          section of the marital settlement agreement titled, “REAL                   
          PROPERTY DIVISION”, the West Kendall house became the sole                  
          property of petitioner, and she assumed responsibility for the              
          mortgage on the property.  Under the section titled “DEBTS”,                
          petitioner and Mr. Barrera agreed to each pay the consumer debts            
          that were in their individual names.  With respect to tax debts,            
          the section acknowledged: “there exists a substantial federal               
          income tax deficiency for joint tax returns filed for 1998, 1999,           
          2000, and 2001”, and provided that “Husband agrees to assume said           
          federal income tax liability in its entirety and agrees to hold             
          wife harmless for all outstanding income tax liabilities which              
          may result from having filed a joint return with him.”  The                 
          potential tax liabilities were further addressed in a separate              
          section titled “TAXES”, which provided that                                 
               there is currently an outstanding federal income tax                   
               liability of an undetermined amount as a result of the                 
               parties filing a joint tax return for the tax years                    
               1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.  Husband hereby admits that                
               all such liability is attributable to him and promises                 
               to hold Wife harmless and indemnify her for all such                   

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Last modified: November 10, 2007