Suzanne E. Barrera, a.k.a. Suzanne E. Battle - Page 22

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          This Court has upheld the use of these procedures and has                   
          analyzed the factors listed therein in reviewing a negative                 
          determination under section 6015(f).  See, e.g., Washington v.              
          Commissioner, supra at 147-152; Jonson v. Commissioner, 118 T.C.            
          106, 125-126 (2002), affd. 353 F.3d 1181 (10th Cir. 2003).                  
               Rev. Proc. 2000-15, sec. 4.01, 2000-1 C.B. at 448, lists               
          seven threshold conditions that must be satisfied before the                
          Commissioner will consider a request for relief under section               
          6015(f).  Respondent agrees that these threshold conditions are             
          satisfied for taxable years 1999 and 2000, but he contends that             
          petitioner fails to satisfy the condition enumerated at Rev.                
          Proc. 2000-15, sec. 4.01(3), 2000-1 C.B. at 448, for taxable year           
               The threshold condition at Rev. Proc. 2000-15, sec. 4.01(3),           
          2000-1 C.B. at 448, requires that the “requesting spouse applies            
          for relief no later than two years after the date of the                    
          Service’s first collection activity after July 22, 1998, with               
          respect to the requesting spouse”.12  According to respondent,              

          preliminary determination letter had been issued as of that date.           
          Petitioner’s request for relief was filed on Sept. 13, 2002, and            
          respondent’s notice of determination denying relief was issued on           
          Oct. 7, 2003.  Accordingly, petitioner’s request is subject to              
          Rev. Proc. 2000-15, supra.                                                  
               12   See also sec. 1.6015-5(b)(1), Income Tax Regs., which             
          is applicable for all elections under sec. 6015 filed on or after           
          July 18, 2002.  Sec. 1.6015-9, Income Tax Regs.                             

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