Lorenzo Battle - Page 6

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          A.  Deductions Claimed on Schedule A                                        
               1.   Charitable Contributions                                          
               Section 170 allows a deduction for a charitable contribution           
          during the year if the contribution is verified as provided in              
          the regulations.  Sec. 170(a)(1).  A charitable contribution                
          includes a contribution or gift to or for the use of an                     
          organization described in section 170(c) within a taxable year.             
                    a.   Cash Contributions                                           
               Petitioner claimed deductions in the sum of $3,084 for                 
          contributions of cash to various charitable organizations in                
          2002.  Each cash contribution, except for two, was under $250.              
          Respondent concedes that petitioner has substantiated                       
          contributions of $35.  At issue is whether petitioner is entitled           
          to deductions for the balance of the cash contributions.                    
               Petitioner does not dispute that cash contributions greater            
          than $250 require substantiation.  But petitioner argues that for           
          cash contributions under $250, receipts are not required                    
          “according to statute”.  He therefore concludes that he is                  
          entitled to deductions for all cash contributions under $250,               
          even in the absence of receipts from the donee organizations.               
               The Court assumes that the “statute” upon which petitioner             
          relied was section 170(f)(8).  Under section 170(f)(8), a                   
          taxpayer must comply with certain substantiation requirements to            
          deduct any charitable contribution of $250 or more.  Petitioner             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011