- 12 - inappropriate for respondent to apply any refund credits from 2005 to the 2004 tax year. Respondent’s records4 show that petitioner filed a 2004 return reporting a tax of $3,119, which was assessed, and that petitioner was entitled to withholding credits of $3,362.20. This difference in withholding credits over the tax owed is $243.20, exactly the amount petitioner claims as a refund. However, respondent’s records show that respondent assessed an additional $450 in tax for 2004. There is no explanation in respondent’s records as to why this occurred and whether this assessment was preceded by a notice of deficiency. Petitioner explained to the Appeals officer that respondent had disallowed a claimed deduction for 2004 and that petitioner had supplied additional information in support of that deduction. The only answer that petitioner was ever able to obtain from respondent was that the 2004 tax year could not be considered, as it was not the subject of a levy action, and that respondent’s Appeals officer did not have jurisdiction over matters relating to 2004. We find that respondent did not take into account the relevant issues petitioner raised as required by section 6330(c)(3). Indeed, respondent explicitly declined to take into 4Respondent’s records consist of data stored in a computer. Respondent’s records pertaining to petitioner’s 2004 tax liability were printed on Sept. 13, 2005, well before respondent’s Appeals officer upheld the levy on Feb. 10, 2006.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NextLast modified: November 10, 2007