Paul Marcillese Shelton and Felicia Laverne Graham - Page 6

                                        - 5 -                                         
                    such child shall be treated, for purposes of                      
                    subsection (a), as receiving over half of his                     
                    support during the calendar year from the parent                  
                    having custody for a greater portion of the                       
                    calendar year (hereinafter in this subsection                     
                    referred to as the “custodial parent”).                           
               Petitioner is not the custodial parent of his child by                 
          Clark.  His entitlement to the deduction (and related child tax             
          credit) depends on the applicability of section 152(e)(2), which            
                    SEC. 152(e).  Support Test in Case of Child of                    
               Divorced Parents, Etc.--                                               
                              *   *   *   *   *   *   *                               
                         (2) Exception where custodial parent releases                
                    claim to exemption for the year.–-A child of                      
                    parents described in paragraph (1) shall be                       
                    treated as having received over half of his                       
                    support during a calendar year from the                           
                    noncustodial parent if--                                          
                              (A) the custodial parent signs a written                
                         declaration (in such manner and form as the                  
                         Secretary may by regulations prescribe) that                 
                         such custodial parent will not claim such                    
                         child as a dependent for any taxable year                    
                         beginning in such calendar year, and                         
                              (B) the noncustodial parent attaches                    
                         such written declaration to the noncustodial                 
                         parent’s return for the taxable year                         
                         beginning during such calendar year.                         
                    For purposes of this subsection, the term                         
                    “noncustodial parent” means the parent who is not                 
                    the custodial parent.                                             
          The form prescribed for the waiver described in section 152(e)(2)           
          is Form 8332, which form must be executed by the custodial parent           
          and attached to the Federal income tax return of the noncustodial           

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Last modified: March 27, 2008