- 12 - satisfy the strict substantiation requirements under section 274(d). Accordingly, and on the basis of the foregoing, we hold that petitioner is not entitled to deduct any cellular phone expenses under the listing of “instrument/equipment” for taxable year 2002. Finally, and with respect to the unreimbursed employee expenses for books/journals/magazines, job-seeking expenses, and business gifts, petitioner provided no credible evidence whatsoever substantiating that she did, in fact, actually incur these costs. First, petitioner did not provide any titles of journals or books or periodicals or any documentary evidence that she actually incurred the expenses claimed. Second, and with respect to the $1,868 of job-seeking expenses disallowed by respondent, petitioner did not provide any credible evidence showing that she incurred the job-seeking expenses claimed on her 2002 return. Although petitioner did testify that she flew to New York City for interviews, she admitted that these trips were for personal pleasure and that she did not always make these trips for primarily job-seeking reasons. For example, petitioner candidly admitted that one of the trips was actually made for the purpose of attending a funeral. Finally, petitioner produced only one receipt for a bottle of cologne to substantiate the $1,747 business gifts expense included in unreimbursed business expenses on her Schedule A. We are unconvinced that the expensePage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NextLast modified: March 27, 2008