Henry M. Lloyd - Page 48

                                       - 48 -                                         
               In advancing his first principal argument, petitioner makes            
          a related argument that respondent should not have returned to              
          petitioner petitioner’s September 29, 2004 offer-in-compromise.             
          In support of that related argument, petitioner relies on section           
          301.7122-1(d)(2), Proced. & Admin. Regs.28  In the first offer              

          information submitted with such an offer is older than 12 months            
          or if there is any reason to believe the taxpayer’s situation may           
          have significantly changed.  That part of the IRM                 
               (1) Collection Information Statements (CIS) submitted                  
                    with an offer in compromise should reflect infor-                 
                    mation no older than the prior six months.  If                    
                    during the processing of the offer, the financial                 
                    information becomes older than 12 months, contact                 
                    should be made with the taxpayer to update the                    
                    information.  However, in certain situations in-                  
                    formation may become outdated due to significant                  
                    processing delays caused by the Service, through                  
                    no fault of the taxpayer.  In those cases, it may                 
                    be appropriate to rely on the outdated information                
                    if there is no indication the taxpayer’s overall                  
                    situation has significantly changed.  Judgment                    
                    should be exercised to determine whether, and to                  
                    what extent, updated information is necessary.  If                
                    there is any reason to believe the taxpayer’s                     
                    situation may have significantly changed, secure a                
                    new CIS.                                                          
          When petitioner submitted petitioner’s September 29, 2004 offer-            
          in-compromise in early October 2004, his 2003 return and his 2004           
          return were not due to have been filed.  When the settlement                
          officer sent a letter to petitioner on May 24, 2005, with respect           
          to petitioner’s Form 12153, in which the settlement officer,                
          inter alia, requested updated financial information from peti-              
          tioner to be presented in a new Form 433-A, petitioner’s 2003               
          return and his 2004 return were due to have been filed.                     
               28Sec. 301.7122-1(d)(2), Proced. & Admin. Regs., provides in           
          pertinent part:                                                             

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