Henry M. Lloyd - Page 42

                                       - 42 -                                         
          An attachment to the notice of determination stated in pertinent            
               I.  Verification of Legal and Procedural Requirements                  
               With the best information available, the requirements                  
               of various applicable law or administrative procedures                 
               have been met.                                                         
               IRC Section 6331(d) requires the taxpayer be notified                  
               at least 30 days before a notice of levy can be issued.                
               The 30-day letter was sent on tax years ending                         
               12/31/1990, 12/31/1991, 12/31/1992, 12/31/1994,                        
               12/31/1996, 12/31/1997 and 12/31/2002 on February 7th                  
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               IRC 6330(c) allows the taxpayer to raise any relevant                  
               issues relating to the unpaid tax or the proposed levy                 
               at the hearing.                                                        
               This Settlement Officer has had no prior involvement                   
               with respect to these liabilities.                                     

                         II.  Issues Raised by the Taxpayer                           
                      Challenges to the Amount of the Liability                       
               You did not challenge the amount of the liability.                     
               III.  Balancing Efficient Collection and Intrusiveness                 
               IRC section 6330 require[s] that the Settlement Officer                
               consider [whether] the collection action balances the                  
               need for efficient collection of taxes with the tax-                   
               payer’s legitimate concern that any collection action                  
               be no more intrusive than necessary.                                   
               Collection alternatives include full payment, install-                 
               ment agreement, offer in compromise and temporary                      
               suspension of collection based on financial hardship.                  
               You submitted an offer in compromise and it was deter-                 
               mined you had the ability to pay the taxes and your                    
               offer was recommended for rejection.  We also discussed                
               an installment agreement but you were not in agreement                 

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Last modified: March 27, 2008