Henry M. Lloyd - Page 37

                                       - 37 -                                         
               On December 6, 2005, the settlement officer held a tele-               
          phonic conference with Mr. Kauffman.  The settlement officer made           
          the following pertinent entries in her “Case Activity Records”              
          with respect to that conference:                                            
               Telephone conference with POA Mr.Kauffman.  We dis-                    
               cussed the OIC and I explained taxpayer RCP is close to                
               1 million dollars.  He wanted to know if the taxpayer                  
               obtain the equity in his real property would I recom-                  
               mend acceptance of the offer.  This request was denied                 
               because it appears taxpayer can enter into an install-                 
               ment agreement at a rate of $12,000.00 a month. he                     
               stated that the taxpayer is elder and his business is                  
               no longer at a high point.  I explained he is still                    
               working and in good health.  We average his last three                 
               years to determine his monthly income.  We discussed                   
               the one-year rule in allowing expenses.  He requested a                
               copy of the 433A and the O/S worksheet computation.  He                
               requested time to discuss with client and telephone                    
               conference scheduled for 12/16/2005 @ 10:00AM.  Infor-                 
               mation faxed to POA.  [Reproduced literally.]                          
               On December 15, 2005, Mr. Kauffman sent a letter to the                
          settlement officer via facsimile (Mr. Kauffman’s December 15,               
          2005 letter).  In that letter, Mr. Kauffman stated in pertinent             
                    This letter is written as a follow-up to our                      
               several telephone conversations, and in anticipation of                
               our telephone conference tentatively scheduled for                     
               Friday afternoon.  Up to this time, the focus of our                   
               discussions has been on Mr. Lloyd’s income, and specif-                
               ically how to calculate his average monthly income in a                
               fair fashion.  Enclosed with this letter are the in-                   
               come/expense table which you were kind enough to fax me                
               last week, and a spreadsheet analysis of Mr. Lloyd’s                   
               income which I have prepared.  Before addressing the                   
               enclosed spreadsheet analysis, a few observations about                
               Mr. Lloyd’s income are in order.                                       
                    Mr. Lloyd, who is an attorney engaged in the                      
               private practice of law, will be 71 this March.  The                   

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Last modified: March 27, 2008