Henry M. Lloyd - Page 33

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                                                          INCOME/EXPENSE TABLE (IET)                                                                  
                                                                  (Rev. 1-2001)                                                                       
                          The Internal Revenue Service uses established National and Local standards for necessary living                             
                          expenses when considering Offers in Compromise.  Only necessary living expenses will be                                     
                          allowed.  Other expenses, such as charitable contributions, education, credit cards, and                                    
                          voluntary retirement allotments are generally not considered as necessary living expenses.                                  
                                        Total Income                              Necessary Living Expenses                                           
                                    Source                Gross                                    Claimed       Allowed                              
                          31. Wages/Salaries (T/P)     $16,903.00   42. National Standard              $0.00     $1,280.00                            
                          32. Wages/Salaries                $0.00   43. Housing and Utilities      $3,464.00     $1,318.00                            
                          33. Interest                      $0.00   44. Transportation                 $0.00         $0.00                            
                          34. Net Business Income           $0.00   45. Health care                    $0.00         $0.00                            
                          (from Form 433-B)                                                                                                           
                          35. Rental Income               $296.00   46. Taxes                          $0.00     $1,450.00                            
                          36. Pension (Taxpayer)          $145.00   47. Court ordered payments     $2,195.00     $2,195.00                            
                          37 Pension (Spouse)               $0.00   48. Child/dependent care           $0.00         $0.00                            
                          38. Child Support                 $0.00   49. Life Insurance                 $0.00         $0.00                            
                          39. Alimony                       $0.00   50. Secured or legally-            $0.00         $0.00                            
                                                                    perfected debts (specify)                                                         
                          40. Other - Social            $1,551.00   51. Other -                        $0.00         $0.00                            
                                                 *       *       *       *       *       *       *                                                    
                          41. Total Income             $18,895.00   52. Total Expenses             $5,659.00     $6,243.00                            
                                                                      (Line 41 minus Line 52) NET DIFFERENCE    $12,652.00                            
                          53.   Net difference times (a,b or c) = Amount that could be paid from future income:                                       
                          Net difference = $12,652.00     Months    Amount that could be paid = $607,296.00                                           
                          a) If taxpayer is making a cash offer (offering to pay in 90 days or less) multiply the amount                              
                          in line 53 times 48 or the number of months remaining in the statute.                                                       
                          b) If the taxpayer is making a short term deferred payment offer (offering to pay within 2                                  
                          years) multiply the amount in line 53 times 60 months or times the number of months remaining                               
                          in the statute, whichever is shorter.                                                                                       
                          c) If the taxpayer is making a deferred payment offer (offering to pay over the life of the                                 
                          statute), use the Deferred Payment Chart to determine the number of months.                                                 
                          The total offer must equal the sum of the equity in assets and the amount that could be paid                                
                          from future income unless special circumstance considerations have been approved.                                           
                          Line 42 National Standard expenses:  Maximum allowable by IRS National Expense Standard for                                 
                          food, housekeeping supplies, apparel and services, and personal care products, based upon gross                             
                          monthly income and number of persons in the household.                                                                      
                          Line 43 Housing & Utilities expenses:  Housing and utility expenses are limited to standards                                
                          established for the county of residence and the number of household members.                                                
                          Line 44 Transportation expenses: Transportation expenses are limited to the standards                                       
                          established for zero, one or two vehicles, and to a maximum allowable amount for lease or                                   
                          purchase of one or two vehicles.                                                                                            

                          Line 31 Wages based on 3-yr average.                                                                                        
                          Line 35 Rental income, after adjusting for depreciation expense claimed on Schedule E                                       
                          Line 46 Taxes based on last record of Fed, State, FICA, Medicare paid or withheld.                                          
                          Line 47 Court ordered payments tentatively allowed, subject to itemization and proof of                                     

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Last modified: March 27, 2008