Henry M. Lloyd - Page 30

                                       - 30 -                                         
               that you provided.  You will be contacted by an offer                  
               specialist in the near future.  I will maintain juris-                 
               diction of the case and all final decisions regarding                  
               this matter will be rendered by appeals.  If you have                  
               any further questions regarding this correspondence, do                
               not hesitate to call me.                                               
               On August 2, 2005, the settlement officer forwarded peti-              
          tioner’s June 24, 2005 offer-in-compromise and petitioner’s June            
          24, 2005 Form 433-A to the IRS offer-in-compromise unit.                    
               Around August 4, 2005, respondent assigned an offer-in-                
          compromise specialist other than the first offer specialist to              
          investigate petitioner’s June 24, 2005 offer-in-compromise and              
          petitioner’s June 24, 2005 Form 433-A.                                      
               On September 1, 2005, the offer-in-compromise specialist               
          (second offer specialist) with the IRS offer-in-compromise unit             
          assigned to investigate petitioner’s June 24, 2005 offer-in-                
          compromise and petitioner’s June 24, 2005 Form 433-A made the               
          following pertinent entries in the “integrated collection system            
          history transcript”:                                                        
                    Initial Review:  TP is making a DPO of $139,777 at                
               $1,664 in 84 payments to compromise approx $264,457                    
               sole liability, on the basis of DATC.                                  
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               - Special Circumstances:  doubt as to collectibility,                  
               because TP is 70-yr-old and his law practice is declin-                
               - Funding for the offer:  Liquidation of assets and                    
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
                    TP is unmarried 70-yr old practicing attorney,                    
               with no health issues and a household of 2 (18-yr old                  

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Last modified: March 27, 2008