Henry M. Lloyd - Page 27

                                       - 27 -                                         
                    First Name Relationship Age Does this person                      
                                                    live with you?                    
                    Victoria     Daughter     24    : No  9 Yes                       
                    Hunter       Son          18    9 No  : Yes                       
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               7.   Are you or your spouse self-employed or operate a                 
                    business? (Check “Yes” if either applies)                         
                   9 No  : Yes  If yes, provide the following                        
               7a. Name of Business Henry M. Lloyd P.C.                               
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               7e. Do you have accounts/notes receivable? : No  9 Yes                 
                    If yes, please complete Section 8 on page 5.                      
               In section 3 of petitioner’s June 24, 2005 Form 433-A,                 
          petitioner indicated that he did not have an employer other than            
          Henry M. Lloyd, P.C.                                                        
               In section 4 of petitioner’s June 24, 2005 Form 433-A,                 
          petitioner provided the response indicated to the following                 
               10. Do you receive income from sources other than your                 
                    own business or your employer? (Check all that                    
               : Pension  : Social Security  : Other (specify, i.e.                   
                                             child support, alimony,                  
                                             rental) Rental                           
               In section 5 of petitioner’s June 24, 2005 Form 433-A,                 
          petitioner indicated that he (1) maintained a checking account              
          that had a balance of $15,000, (2) owned a brokerage account with           
          no current account balance, (3) had two credit cards with unspec-           

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Last modified: March 27, 2008