- 13 - In 1999, Ms. Mirowski’s daughter Doris Frydman had neuro- logic surgery at Yale University Hospital to treat her chronic condition of epilepsy. At least as early as late 1999 or early 2000, in large part because of her daughter Doris Frydman’s condition, Ms. Mirowski began to think about ways, in addition to her daughters’ trusts, to provide for her daughters and her grandchildren on an equal basis. Moreover, at least as early as around that time, Ms. Mirowski started thinking about ways, in addition to her daughters’ working together as trustees of each of the daughters’ trusts, to allow them to work together and have a close working relationship. In May 2000, Ms. Mirowski met with representatives of U.S. Trust (May 2000 meeting with U.S. Trust) at the home of Ariella Rosengard in Philadelphia. At that time, representatives of U.S. Trust introduced Ms. Mirowski to the concept of a limited liabil- ity company (LLC). After Ms. Mirowski’s May 2000 meeting with U.S. Trust, she began discussing with her attorney Sidney J. Silver (Mr. Silver) the possibility of forming an LLC. Thereafter, on August 31, 2000, Mr. Silver sent a letter (Mr. Silver’s August 31, 2000 letter) to Ms. Mirowski and enclosed with that letter draft articles of organization and a draft operating agreement for an LLC to be named Mirowski Family Ventures, L.L.C. Mr. Silver sent copies of that letter and those enclosures to Ms. Mirowski’sPage: Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NextLast modified: March 27, 2008