- 30 - operating agreement,22 if MFV were to be liquidated, its assets were required to be distributed to the interest holders in MFV in accordance with the balances in their respective capital ac- counts. Pursuant to MFV’s operating agreement, during the normal course of MFV’s operations, Ms. Mirowski was not entitled to the return of the assets that she transferred to MFV. Pursuant to section 5.1.1 of MFV’s operating agreement,23 MFV was to be managed by a general manager who could be, but did not have to be, a member of MFV. That section of MFV’s operating agreement designated Ms. Mirowski to serve as the initial general manager of MFV. All of Ms. Mirowski’s powers as MFV’s initial general manager were subject to other provisions of MFV’s operat- ing agreement and the requirements of applicable law, including the applicable law of the State of Maryland (Maryland law), which imposed on her a fiduciary duty to the other members of MFV.24 21(...continued) (iv) to Interest Holders in proportion to their respective Capital Accounts and then to the Interest Holders in accordance with Section 4.4 [relat- ing to the distribution of MFV’s assets upon its liqui- dation and dissolution]. 22Section 4.4 of MFV’s operating agreement is titled “Liqui- dation and Dissolution.” 23Section V of MFV’s operating agreement is titled “Manage- ment: Rights, Powers and Duties”. 24Section 5.1.2 of MFV’s operating agreement described the general powers of MFV’s general manager in pertinent part as follows: (continued...)Page: Previous 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 NextLast modified: March 27, 2008