Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 36

                                       - 36 -                                         
          the medical conference in Strasbourg.  Moreover, if Ms. Mirowski            
          believed that her health was rapidly declining on September 6,              
          2001, she would have wanted Ariella Rosengard to remain in the              
          United States to be close to her sisters.                                   
               On September 10, 2001, Ginat Mirowski called her mother at             
          Johns Hopkins Hospital and noticed that she did not sound like              
          herself.  Later that day, Ginat Mirowski canceled her clinic                
          appointments for the week and traveled to Johns Hopkins Hospital            
          to visit her mother.                                                        
               Unexpectedly, on September 10, 2001, Ms. Mirowski’s condi-             
          tion deteriorated significantly.  At that point, amputation was             
          recommended by her physician as a means of avoiding further                 
          complications, including possible life-threatening infections.              
          Ms. Mirowski declined amputation.  On September 10, 2001, Ms.               
          Mirowski began to suffer from multiple system failure and refused           
          all additional medical treatment.  As a result of the signif-               
          icantly worsening condition of Ms. Mirowski’s foot ulcer and her            
          decision not to have the infected limb amputated, she developed             
          sepsis, a severe and often life-threatening illness caused by an            
          overwhelming infection of the blood stream by toxin-producing               
               On September 11, 2001, at 8:55 a.m. approximately one day              
          after the onset of Ms. Mirowski’s development of sepsis, she                

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