Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 38

                                       - 38 -                                         
               Pursuant to Ms. Mirowski’s will, the daughters’ trusts                 
          inherited, in equal shares, Ms. Mirowski’s 52-percent interest in           
          MFV.  As a result, after the probate of decedent’s will is                  
          closed, those trusts will own collectively 100 percent of MFV in            
          three equal shares.                                                         
               Ms. Mirowski died on the day on which there were terrorist             
          attacks in the United States.  Those terrorist attacks created              
          market conditions that were particularly advantageous to diversi-           
          fying MFV’s investment holdings, and MFV’s investment holdings              
          were further diversified shortly after Ms. Mirowski died.                   
          Although the precise timing of the diversification of MFV’s                 
          investment holdings following Ms. Mirowski’s death was attribut-            
          able to the terrorist attacks on the date of her death, that                
          diversification was in accordance with the intentions of Ms.                
          Mirowski before she died.                                                   
               Since Ms. Mirowski’s death, the daughters’ trusts, as the              
          remaining members of MFV, have chosen not to receive distribu-              
          tions of all of MFV’s annual cash flow, as defined in MFV’s                 
          operating agreement.  Instead, they decided that MFV will rein-             
          vest all of that cash flow beyond that required for payment of              
          taxes and expenses by the members.  MFV’s members feel strongly             
          that the benefits of reinvesting MFV’s annual cash flow far                 
          outweigh any benefits that could be derived from distributing it.           

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Last modified: March 27, 2008