Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 44

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          personal property returns required by the State of Maryland.                
               The issues remaining for decision are whether any of the               
          assets owned by MFV are includible in decedent’s gross estate               
          under section 2036(a), 2038(a)(1), or 2035(a).                              
               Respondent does not address the burden of proof in this                
          case.40  According to decedent’s estate,                                    
               Generally, for issues or theories put forth by Respon-                 
               dent in the notice of deficiency, the taxpayer bears                   
               the burden of proof, and for Respondent’s issues or                    
               theories not included in the notice of deficiency,                     
               Respondent bears the burden of proof. * * * Because                    
               Respondent did not raise IRC sections 2038 and 2035 in                 
               its notice of deficiency in this case, Respondent bears                
               the burden with respect to its theories under those                    
               sections; however, in any case the evidence will not                   
               support a decision in Respondent’s favor.                              
          Neither party addresses section 7491(a).  We conclude that                  
          resolution of the issues presented under sections 2036(a),                  
          2038(a)(1), and 2035(a) does not depend on who has the burden of            

               40With respect to sec. 2036(a), respondent asserts on brief:           
                    The burden of disproving the existence of an                      
               agreement regarding retained economic enjoyment of the                 
               transferred property rests on the estate, and this                     
               burden has been characterized as particularly onerous                  
               in intrafamily situations. * * * [Citations omitted.]                  

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