Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 48

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          there was no legitimate, significant nontax reason for Ms.                  
          Mirowski’s forming, and transferring assets to, MFV.  In advanc-            
          ing that contention, respondent asks the Court to disregard the             
          respective testimonies of Ginat Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard,             
          two of decedent’s three daughters and the personal representa-              
          tives of decedent’s estate, regarding the nontax reasons Ms.                
          Mirowski decided to form and fund MFV.  According to respondent,            
          the relationship of those witnesses to decedent and to decedent’s           
          estate colored their respective testimonies.42  As the trier of             

               42In support of respondent’s argument that the Court should            
          disregard the respective testimonies of Ginat Mirowski and                  
          Ariella Rosengard regarding the nontax reasons Ms. Mirowski                 
          formed and funded MFV, respondent also maintains (1) that those             
          reasons “are unsupported by any contemporaneous corroborating               
          evidence” and (2) that the “only contemporaneous” evidence in the           
          record regarding the reasons Ms. Mirowski formed and funded MFV             
          is Mr. Silver’s August 22, 2001 letter to Ms. Mirowski, which               
          contradicts the respective testimonies of Ginat Mirowski and                
          Ariella Rosengard and supports respondent’s position that Ms.               
          Mirowski did so for estate tax reasons.                                     
               With respect to respondent’s assertion that there is no                
          “contemporaneous corroborating evidence” supporting the nontax              
          reasons for forming and funding MFV about which Ginat Mirowski              
          and Ariella Rosengard testified, as discussed below, we found               
          Ginat Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard to be completely candid,               
          sincere, and credible and accorded controlling weight to their              
          respective testimonies.                                                     
               With respect to respondent’s assertion that the “only                  
          contemporaneous” evidence in the record regarding the reasons Ms.           
          Mirowski formed and funded MFV is Mr. Silver’s August 22, 2001              
          letter to Ms. Mirowski, which contradicts the respective testimo-           
          nies of Ginat Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard and supports respon-           
          dent’s position that Ms. Mirowski did so for estate tax reasons,            
          respondent quotes the following sentence from Mr. Silver’s August           
          22, 2001 letter:  “‘We are beginning the process of implementing            

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Last modified: March 27, 2008