- 63 - Pursuant to section 5.1.1 of MFV’s operating agreement, MFV was to be managed by a general manager, and the initial general manager was to be Ms. Mirowski. Section 5.1.2 of MFV’s operating agreement provided: The General Manager shall have full, exclusive, and complete discretion, power, and authority, subject in all cases to the other provisions of this Agreement and the requirements of applicable law, to manage, control, administer, and operate the business and affairs of the Company for the purposes herein stated, and to make all decisions affecting such business and affairs * * *[55] On the record before us, we find that, pursuant to section 5.1.2 of MFV’s operating agreement, Ms. Mirowski’s discretion, power, and authority as MFV’s general manager were subject to the other provisions of MFV’s operating agreement, including section 4.1 (regarding the distribution of cash flow and the allocation of profit or loss from transactions other than capital transac- tions); section 4.2 (regarding the distribution of capital proceeds and the allocation of profit or loss from capital transactions); section 4.4 (regarding the distribution of MFV’s assets upon the liquidation and dissolution of MFV); section 55MFV’s operating agreement expressly listed in section 5.1.2 various powers, including the following, that were among the powers of MFV’s general manager, subject in all cases to the other provisions of that operating agreement and the requirements of applicable law: Acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise any real or personal property; sell, dispose of, trade, or exchange MFV’s assets in the ordinary course of MFV’s business; borrow money for and on behalf of MFV; enter into any kind of activity necessary to, in connection with, or incidental to the accom- plishment of the purposes of MFV; and invest and reinvest MFV reserves in short-term instruments or money market funds.Page: Previous 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 NextLast modified: March 27, 2008