Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 65

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          interest or a right described in section 2036(a)(1) (or section             
          2036(a)(2)) with respect to the respective 16-percent interests             
          in MFV that she gave to her daughters’ trusts.                              
               We turn now to the linchpin in respondent’s contention that            
          at the time of Ms. Mirowski’s gifts and at the time of her death            
          there was an express agreement in section 4.5.1 of MFV’s operat-            
          ing agreement that Ms. Mirowski retain an interest or a right               
          described in section 2036(a)(1) with respect to the respective              
          16-percent interests in MFV that she gave to her daughters’                 
          trusts.  According to respondent, under section 4.5.1 of MFV’s              
          operating agreement, as MFV’s general manager, Ms. Mirowski’s               
          “authority included the authority to decide the timing and                  
          amounts of distributions from MFV.”58  That section of MFV’s                
          operating agreement provides:  “Except as otherwise provided in             
          this Agreement, the timing and amount of all distributions shall            
          be determined by the Members holding a majority of the Percent-             
          ages then outstanding.”                                                     
               Contrary to respondent’s contention, section 4.5.1 of MFV’s            
          operating agreement did not give Ms. Mirowski as MFV’s general              
          manager the authority to determine the timing and the amount of             
          all distributions from MFV.  Any authority that Ms. Mirowski had            
          under that section was in her capacity as the member of MFV who             
          owned a majority of the outstanding percentage interests in MFV             

               58See supra note 54.                                                   

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