Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 85

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          of that acknowledgment by decedent’s estate, we find that Ms.               
          Mirowski’s gifts were transfers of property during the three-year           
          period ending on the date of her death under section 2035(a).               
               Property Transferred Otherwise Includible in Gross Estate              
               We have found that sections 2036(a) and 2038(a)(1) do not              
          apply to Ms. Mirowski’s transfers to MFV.  A fortiori, section              
          2035(a) could not apply, and we hold that that section does not             
          apply, to Ms. Mirowski’s respective gifts of 16-percent interests           
          in MFV to her daughters’ trusts.                                            
               Based upon our examination of the entire record before us              
          and our holdings under sections 2036(a) and 2038(a)(1) with                 
          respect to Ms. Mirowski’s transfers to MFV, we hold that section            
          2035(a) does not apply to Ms. Mirowski’s respective gifts of 16-            
          percent interests in MFV to her daughters’ trusts.                          
               We have considered all of the parties’ respective                      
          contentions and arguments that are not discussed herein, and we             
          find them to be without merit, irrelevant, and/or moot.                     
               To reflect the foregoing and the concessions of the parties,           

                                                  Decision will be entered            
                                             under Rule 155.                          

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Last modified: March 27, 2008