Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 92

                                       - 92 -                                         
                      construct, operate, maintain,                 
               finance, and improve, and to own, sell, convey, assign,                
               mortgage, or lease any real estate and any personal                    
                      sell, dispose, trade, or                      
               exchange Company assets in the ordinary course of the                  
               Company’s business;                                                    
                      enter into agreements and                     
               contract and to give receipts, releases and discharges;                
                      purchase liability and other                  
               insurance to protect the Company’s properties and                      
                      borrow money for and on behalf                
               of the Company, and, in connection therewith, execute                  
               and deliver instruments authorizing the confession of                  
               judgment against the Company.                                          
                      execute or modify leases with                 
               respect to any part or all of the assets of the                        
                      prepay, in whole or in part,                  
               refinance, amend, modify, or extend any mortgages or                   
               deeds of trust which may affect any asset of the                       
               Company and in connection therewith to execute for and                 
               on behalf of the Company any extensions, renewals, or                  
               modifications of such mortgages or deeds of trust;                     
                      execute any and all other                     
               instruments and documents which may be necessary or in                 
               the opinion of the General Manager desirable to carry                  
               out the intent and purpose of this Agreement,                          
               including, but not limited to, documents whose                         
               operation and effect extend beyond the term of the                     
                      make any and all expenditures                
               which the General Manager, it its sole discretion,                     
               deems necessary or appropriate in connection with the                  
               management of the affairs of the Company and the                       
               carrying out of its obligations and responsibilities                   
               under this Agreement, including, without limitation,                   
               all legal, accounting, and other related expenses                      
               incurred in connection with the organization and                       
               financing and operation of the Company;                                

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Last modified: March 27, 2008