Estate of Anna Mirowski, Deceased, Ginat W. Mirowski and Ariella Rosengard, Personal Representatives - Page 99

                                       - 99 -                                         
               wind up its affairs.  On winding up of the Company, the                
               assets of the Company shall be distributed,                            
                         (i) to creditors of the Company, including                   
               interest Holders who are creditors, in satisfaction of                 
               the liabilities of the Company;                                        
                         (ii) to Interest Holders and former Interest                 
               Holders in satisfaction of unpaid distributions;                       
                         (iii) to Interest Holders for the return of                  
               Capital Contributions; and                                             
                         (iv) to Interest Holders in proportion to                    
               their respective Capital Accounts                                      
               and then to the Interest Holders in accordance with                    
               Section 4.4.  [Reproduced literally.]                                  

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Last modified: March 27, 2008