Claude E. and Dana L. Salazar - Page 27

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          interest.  11 U.S.C. sec. 505(a) (2000); Sabath v. Commissioner,            
               In petitioners’ bankruptcy proceeding, respondent submitted            
          a proof of claim for petitioners’ unpaid income tax and                     
          employment tax liabilities, including penalties and interest.               
          Petitioners, while represented by counsel, did not file an                  
          objection to these tax liabilities.  Accordingly, petitioners are           
          precluded from challenging their underlying liabilities,                    
          including the penalties and interest.  However, even if                     
          petitioners had raised the issue of whether respondent’s                    
          assessment of penalties and interest during their bankruptcy                
          proceeding was erroneous, to the extent that respondent has not             
          conceded this issue, we would sustain his assessment of penalties           
          and interest.                                                               
               Section 6658(a) provides that “No addition to the tax shall            
          be made under section 6651, 6654, or 6655 for failure to make               
          timely payment of tax with respect to a period during which a               
          case is pending under title 11 of the United States Code”.                  
          Petitioners’ bankruptcy was pending from the date they filed                
          their petition until their case was closed on March 30, 2006.               
          See Rev. Rul. 2005-9, 2005-1 C.B. 470.                                      
               Respondent admits having erroneously assessed a failure to             
          pay penalty with respect to petitioners’ 1997 income tax account            
          on October 23, 2003, while petitioners’ bankruptcy was pending.             

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Last modified: March 27, 2008