Ronald B. and Annette C. Talmage - Page 47

                                        - 47 -                                        
               On June 30, 2005, petitioners both signed an employment                
          agreement with RFI to work as the Rivercliff property’s                     
          caretakers, in which their duties included supervising the                  
          completion of the Rivercliff property development, maintaining              
          the new home for corporate guests, operating the farm, and caring           
          for their employer’s dogs and horses.  The dogs and horses had              
          been transferred to RFI by the Talmages by bill of sale.  For               
          their services, petitioner and Annette C. Talmage were paid                 
          annual salaries of $42,000 and $12,000, respectively, and were              
          granted full use of the Rivercliff property and permitted to                
          reside in the property’s newly completed home.                              
               On July 1, 2005, RFI contracted with SSI to complete the               
          development of the Rivercliff property development.  SSI was paid           
          a total of approximately $12,500,000 to develop the Rivercliff              
          property from 1998 through January 31, 2006.                                
               Petitioners filed their petition on July 12, 2005.                     
               On March 3, 2006, petitioners jointly filed their Form 1040            
          for 2005, in which they reported $2,960,851 in capital gains from           
          the sale of the Rivercliff property to RFI.  On November 16,                
          2006, petitioners filed Form 1040X, Amended U.S. Individual                 
          Income Tax Return, in which they reduced the capital gain                   
          recognized on the sale of the Rivercliff property to $2,322,720.            

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Last modified: March 27, 2008