Texas Section 61.006 - Unlawfully Divulging Vote
(a) A person commits an offense if the person was in a polling place for any purpose other than voting and knowingly communicates to another...
Texas Section 61.014 - Use Of Certain Devices
(a) A person may not use a wireless communication device within 100 feet of a voting station. (b) A person may not use any mechanical...
Texas Section 61.031 - Use Of English Language
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), an election officer may not use a language other than English in performing an official duty in connection...
Texas Section 61.032 - Interpreter Permitted
If an election officer who attempts to communicate with a voter does not understand the language used by the voter, the voter may communicate through...
Texas Section 61.034 - Translating Ballot
If a voter cannot comprehend the language in which the ballot is printed, an interpreter may accompany the voter to the voting station for the...
Texas Section 61.035 - Oath
Before serving as an interpreter, the person selected as interpreter must take the following oath administered by an election officer: "I swear (or affirm) that,...
Texas Section 61.036 - Translation Required
(a) If an election officer and a voter communicate in a language other than English, any other election officer or watcher may request an English...