Texas Human Resources Code Title 2, Chapter 35 - Support Services For Persons With Disabilities
Texas Section 35.001 - Definitions
In this chapter: (1) "Assistance" or "support services" means a subsidy granted by the department to provide support to a client. (2) "Client" means a...
Texas Section 35.003 - Eligibility
(a) The department's rules must provide that an applicant for assistance is eligible to receive assistance if the applicant resides in this state and meets...
Texas Section 35.005 - Payment Of Assistance
(a) The department may grant assistance of not more than $3,600 a year to a client and make periodic distributions or a lump-sum distribution according...
Texas Section 35.007 - Copayment System
In accordance with department rules, the department shall establish a copayment system with each client using a scale for payments determined according to the client's...
Texas Section 35.008 - Payment Rate
(a) The executive commissioner by rule shall establish a reasonable charge for each authorized support service. (b) The department's liability for the cost of a...
Texas Section 35.010 - Review Of Client's Needs
(a) The department shall regularly review each client's needs as established by the department. (b) The department shall review each client's needs when there is...
Texas Section 35.012 - Criminal Penalty
(a) A person commits an offense if the person, in obtaining or attempting to obtain assistance under this chapter for himself or another person: (1)...